Group 4 - CVC Spelling

Word image
s a t i p

Group 4 - CVC Spelling Instructions

Objective: Practice spelling using consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words.

How to Play:
View the Image: At the start of each round, you will be presented with an image of a common object or animal.

Listen (optional): Click the 🔊 icon if you wish to hear the pronunciation of the word.

Spell the Word: Below the image, you'll find a series of blank boxes representing each letter in the word.

Choose Letters: Just below the blank boxes, there's a collection of letters. Click on a letter to automatically place it in the box.

Complete the Word: Once you believe you have spelled the word correctly, the game will automatically check your spelling.

Feedback: If you've spelled the word correctly, you'll receive positive feedback and move on to the next word. If not, you'll have the opportunity to try again.

End Game: Once you've gone through all the words, you'll see the "Restart" and "Close" buttons. Click "Restart" to play again or "Close" to exit the game and return to the previous screen.

- If you're unsure about the spelling, it might help to say the word out loud.
- Focus on the vowels. Often, getting the vowel right can help with the placement of the consonants.
- Have fun and remember, practice makes perfect!
